Hello Technology & Music fans,
Everyday, our team is working hard to help you discover and enjoy great music moments. Whatever phone you’re using, whenever you’re in a workout, working in the office, or chilling-out with friends, we’re here to offer your great songs — in a pool of 40 Million — with our apps.

Everyday, we try new things, we face interesting challenges and we try to find clever solutions. It’s exciting for us, and internally we have a broad range of events to share our learnings.
Today, we want to share these stories with you. Our technological choices, our latest experiments, or even how we organize as a team. Our next posts are already underway, so feel free to follow our publication to be the first to read us.
Meanwhile, you should follow @deezerdevs on twitter, and if you’re around Paris, you can join the DeezerTech meetup group, where we publish the meetups we host in our Headquarters.