Never miss a new release again!

Another popular community request has landed: our brand new Notification Center!

You’ll now receive as many notifications as there are new releases on a daily basis. You can retrieve these in the Deezer Notification Center (iOS, Android, web & desktop app) :pushpin:

On top of that, a push notification reminder will be sent on your phone, alerting you about all the new releases to check out (as long as you have push notifications enabled on your phone and opted in to “Artist I like” on Deezer notification preferences) :calling:

From now on, all new releases will be based on favorite artists – only to make sure you receive 200% personalized notifications :grinning:

So, what are you waiting for? Check your favorite artists to make sure you’ve got all the loved ones in your library and keep an eye on the little bell :bell:


Share one of your new releases with us here ​​​​​​:musical_note: