With a huge presence in 180+ countries, Deezer is now more global than ever!
Are you missing home? Want to discover a new culture based on their music? 
Our new Country Selector is the answer. Travel around the world through the Deezer app with this exciting new feature and enjoy music recommendations from across the globe.
Let’s say you’re from the UK, but now live in Dubai. You don’t really want to be recommended content from the UAE, but from the UK. You now have the option to change that
How does it work? 
Go to Favorites > Settings, and access “Country selector” to change your recommendation country from a dropdown menu full of beautiful flags (mobile or web)
Can I change my country of recommendation as much as I want? 
Yes, absolutely. You can be one day in France, the next one in Germany and a week after in the UAE.
Will changing my country of recommendation affect the language I’ve set my app to? 
No, don’t worry. You can change your country of recommendation to Germany but still use your app in French.
If you have any other questions, feel free to check our support article here